Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My First Blog!

So, I am very excited to start blogging. I used to be a journal writer, but now due to a busy schedule and exhaustion at the end of my days, I am going to try to be a blogger. We will see how well and how long that goes.
Dustin and I just received our letter from our attorney to finalize Carter's adoption. We are so excited for the day to come that we no longer have to worry about something happening to Carter. We are pretty sure that there won't be any problems, and we haven't had any, but it will be so nice to have it officially official.
Every day I look at Carter and I think how lucky Dustin and I are to have the cutest little man in the world. Now, I know those of you who have your own kids may think otherwise, but I am pretty sure our little boy is darling! He truly is such a delight for Dustin and me. Being a mom has turned out to be such a wonderful experience. I love being mom more than I ever thought possible. I am already talking to Dustin about how we are going to try to raise money so we can adopt again in a year and a half. I want a little girl now that we have a little boy.
As the holidays have past we have began discussing our next adventure. We are hoping to drive to Washington state in March to visit Liz and see that area. I have never been to Washington or Oregon, and need to hit those two states in order to be on track again for my goal.
Anyway, I will be writing about our holiday and posting pictures hopefully later on. I just wanted to see what my little blog would look like with an actual blog. Ciao for now!


  1. YAY! I am so glad you have joined the blogging world! I would have to agree that your baby boy is absolutely adorable although I think the same about my little man! :-) But I think we have agreed that we have the 2 cutest boys EVER! We really need to get together Linds! I have such a hard time leaving my boys at night time. I know its good to get away once in awhile but it is a challenge for me. I just really love being home as a family at night. Anyways, I miss you tons and we have A LOT to talk about! You don't even know the stories I have for you! Maybe we could go to lunch on a Saturday or maybe we could meet for dessert on a Thursday. Mike goes to basketball so I could meet you somewhere. Let me know! Love you tons!

  2. Great blog, Lindsey!

    There is just one small detail that you forgot to mention - OUR baby!

    Being a parent continues to be the source of my greatest joy. It's impossible to believe that as your child goes through the many stages of growing up - it just gets better and better. Well...except for a few typical teenage speed bumps! Enjoy, celebrate and embrace the world with "OUR" beautiful baby.
