Friday I slept all morning. I didn't think I was going to make it, in fact there were moments I was pretty sure I may be least thinking it might be the better option. So, Stac picked up Carter and he rode up with her family. I continued to lounge and see if I thought I would make it camping. Luckily about 3:30, the pain began to ease and I was able to start packing here and there. I had to do it in shifts, but I was able to do it.
When Dustin got home from work he helped me load the suburban and get everything else packed and organized. As we were pulling out of the driveway, I thought we were good to go. But, Dustin stopped in front of our driveway, so I asked him what we forgot. He looks over and there was the trailer. Yep, that is right, it is a good thing I wasn't in charge or we would have gotten to the campground with no trailer or tent!
We made a couple stops, and then headed out at about 7:00. As we were going up I-80 the mountains were beautiful! I don't know why, but I was so surprised to see so much color in the mountains already...but I think this is the case for me every year. Dustin and I had nice conversation and were ready for the little adventure.
As we hit our turn off, we were in deep conversation. Dustin was talking to me, we were listening to music, and enjoying some one on one time together. I managed to look at my window and I was all the sudden eye to eye with a moose! Okay, maybe not exactly eye to eye, but I saw the moose running down the very small hill heading straight for my door! It was an extremely large moose, and I stopped breathing! I gasped and then gasped again because I thought for sure I was going to be killed by a moose. Fortunately, by the grace of God, that did not happen. And when I went to yell at Dustin for not speeding up or slowing down, he was just going to let me die, he says..."I didn't even see it." From that point on, I was very aware of my surroundings and on the look out for any more moose!
As soon as we safely made it to our camping site, I got out, rushed to my dad, and told him how I almost died by a moose! We laughed and giggled as the excitement of being together started coming. We decided we better get our little tent trailer setup pretty quick because it was dark, cold, and I was ready to be done.
So up it goes...kind looks easy, but it being the first time we have used it, it was a little tricky. See, it is literally a tent on wheels with two full beds that pop out on the sides. So we put it up, we tie down, and I begin to question how smart it will be for Dustin and I to be on one side of this little pop-up tent. However, he reassures me we will be fine and because he grew up with this trailer I decide to believe him.
Into the trailer I go. We start making the bed...air mattress needs a sheet, I try, can't get it on. Dustin tells me to move so I go to the back where he is near. This is when I believe we went wrong. All of the sudden the trailer was lifting OFF the ground up front and I was falling down and out of the back!!! Dustin is holding on to dear life, I start yelling..."HELP! MAN DOWN! I. REPEAT. MAN. DOWN!!!
From halfway inside and halfway outside the tent I hear the family bursting with laughter. Dustin goes to the top to bring it back down, I start saying don't move because I was literally hanging out of the back and didn't want it to come back down on me and smush my legs! I eventually was able to compose myself enough that I climbed out of the back and then Dustin was able to move forward where Stacy could pull it back down. As I went over to the fire, giggling, Dustin continued to try to figure out our trailer. A few short minutes later I hear, "Baby...I figured out the problem...I forgot to put down the stabilizers!" So...back into laughter we went.
We spent several hours at the campfire talking and laughing. It was so nice to hear the water, be out doors, and be with the family. That night we all froze! I spent less than a half hour in the trailer before I went into the suburban. About an hour or so later, Dustin joined me. As we were sitting there debating who should go get Carter, I heard him fuss, and out I ran into the cold and told him to come to me. Not thinking very clearly, it being FREEZING and 2:30 in the morning, I just kept calling his name until I heard a bonk...Ooops, didn't think about how well he was tucked in and he ended up falling out of the bed. MY BAD! Back into the sub we went and after nearly another hour of freezing, we pulled out the manual, learned how to turn off the daylight savings lights, and then turned on our heated seats. I slept for about two hours before Carter was back awake, and shortly after saw Colin and Papa outside. Before I knew it we were up and at it and loving the mountains we are graced with.
We made breakfast, spent some time down by the water, and relaxed. Later on dad, Bri, and I took the little men fishing. Unfortunately the fish were NOT cooperating and the boys had little patience. We went back to camp and continued to just relax.
Later my dad and I snuck away and went down the river a few miles to try some fishing. I haven't had some serious daddy daughter fishing in such a long time. It was so nice to spend time watching my dad fly fish and have conversation just me and him. I think we both needed it.
When we got back to camp from another very uneventful fishing expedition, Stac and Kel had made a dutch oven pot roast and peach cobbler. MMMM...Delightful! We then stayed up laughing, quoting movies, and enjoying one anothers company more.
Sunday morning came, we made breakfast and then started cleaning up. Dustin got sick and Bri had homework. So, we packed up and were heading down the road fairly early. Dustin and I were second on a motorcycle accident and I was heavily involved in helping get the guy off the hill. I have never needed to be on a scene before and it was pretty intense. I am hoping the guy will be okay, he has been in many of my thoughts since.
All and all it was a fabulous weekend and so nice to spend some time with that side of the family! We are already talking about next time!
And here is my favorite picture of the trip...
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