Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mommy Pillow

Today was a day. It was a day of very little of anything but cleaning.

I hired a helper and she came over and helped me get my house under control and deeply cleaned. I wanted my house to smell of Lysol, Clorox, and Pledge by the time my day was done. I am proud to say that is exactly what it smells like as I sit here tonight.

However, this post is NOT about Lysol, Clorox, and Pledge. This is about my Little Man. With him being two, we have our days. We have days that seem a lot more rough then others. Days when I am pretty sure I am counting 1...2...3...! More than anyone else on the planet. Days when time out is not doing the job, and I have no idea what to do. Days where I am on the verge of crying along with him because we have both hit the ultimate frustration point.

That was not today. Today was a good day. Carter was happy! He was full of energy and so much fun. He didn't spend ANY time in time out. Counting 1...2...3...! only happened a small handful. Laughter and giggles were in the air and his company was completly delightful.

Tonight I am sitting on the couch and he crawls up next to me, and lays his head on my arm. He then says, "Mommy pillow~" And at that moment, MY. HEART. MELTED!

I LOVE MY LITTLE MAN, and I so love moments such as these where I am reminded just how magical being a mom really is. I am often completely overwhelmed with all the responsibities on my plate and wonder how I will ever get things in a functioning routine. Tonight, I am not worried about anything but the time I have loving on my Peanut and getting to be Carter's mom!


  1. That is so totally cute Linds! I miss you and I am sad we didn't get together! Boo! :-( P.S. I wish my house was clean like yours!

  2. Thanks for the info. about the puppy your in-laws have. I don't think we are quite ready to get a dog yet though. I hope they can find it a home.
