EVERYTHING happens for a reason.
That we are put into certain situations and it has nothing to do with
SPONTANEITY has unknown purposes a lot of the times.
That when
PUSH comes to
SHOVE, I have some of the, truly, best friends a person could have.
Last night we were all running a little low and needed to be recharged. The best way for us to recharge, is together. So, we through a spontaneous BBQ.
We made bbq chicken, until the bbq ran out of propane, then it finished as oven chicken, green beans, and potatoes. As the group began to gather, you could fill the charge start to fill. There was laughter, stories, and a bond that we all continue to make as a group.
About 9:15 last night, Nathan and Nick decided we should all be spontaneous and take a trip to Wendover. I debated due to money, Carter, and Dustin working, but when I spoke with Dustin about it, he said for me to go, and he would take care of Carter. I promised I would be home before he had to be to work, and we loaded up Nathan's suburban.
Nick, Heather, Chantay, Arthur, Bradley, Nathan, Kenny, and I all headed to Wendover for a few hours of fun. We first went to the Nuggett, but Kenny was the only one with a sign of winning, so we then headed over to Montego Bay. Nobody won there, and once we were able to recruit the crowd we headed outside for a trip to The Rainbow.
As we were bee-boppin' along Kenny says to the crowd, "is that a body in the road?" I say, "whatever," but look into the road, and see a mess of a pile. We all start to walk towards this mess, and low and behold it was a man lying in the road who had been hit by a car.
Nick and Nathan went running, I immediately called 911, and my group started to try to take control of a God Awful situation. We put people out to start monitoring traffic, Nathan began assessing, and Nick began talking. Nathan was able to tell us that it was very serious and we needed to make sure the man did not move. He was unconscious and breathing, but if he rolled we would lose his airway.
What seems like hours, but surely was only minutes, went by before the fire engine, ambulance, and police began to arrive. Nathan was able to quickly inform the medics coming on to scene the stats, and he was the man in charge. (Wendover is voluntary, and I believe the guys were relieved to have an ER Trauma EMT on scene.) We rolled the man on three, got him secured on the board, then onto the stretcher, and on the road. Life flight was meeting them somewhere along the way.
Once the man was gone, we helped collect the belongings, gave them to the officers, and then walked away. As we began to walk away, the reaction from what we had just experienced began to set. Nick needed to walk it off, I was shaking horribly, and Nathan and Brad just talked. They are used to situations such as this.
As we were walking away I had a swarm of emotions hitting me. As most of you know my little sister was a pedestrian hit by a car and survived her horrible scene. While I was walking away all I could think about was, there once was a scene, very similar to this, and it was some strangers who approached my little sisters accident. That I know there were people there to help her, but I will never know who they are or what role they played. And the feeling that got me the most, is knowing that somewhere, some family members and friends were going to be receiving a phone call tonight that would shake them to their core. It truly made me nausea's to think what that family will be enduring. It was a very real feeling for me and one I cannot shake even this morning.
We left shortly after, only one of us ahead, and headed back home. On our way home we would bring up the accident off and on, and we all agreed that if the only reason we went to Dover tonight was to help save a young mans life, it was absolutely where we were supposed to be.
I don't know if he is alive or not. I have tried to call the hospital but I may not have the name right, and if I do, they aren't telling me due to privacy laws. But, the man and his family are in my prayers and thoughts, and if he is alive, I can only pray, over time he is able to recover.
I want to give a big shout out to my friends. There were a lot of people last night watching, and we were the only ones who took action. I know it was rough on us, but I am so grateful we were there, with experience, love, and knowledge on how to respond to crisis situations. You truly are amazing people and I love each and every one of you!