Monday, January 18, 2010

Transition Bed

Once Dustin and I found out we were pregnant, we decided Carter was ready for his toddler bed. We kept saying we were going to transition him over, but had yet to do it. Today, I said something to Carter about getting rid of his baby bed, and Dustin agreed it was time.

Dustin went into Peanuts room and within 20 minutes had taken down the crib side, and transitioned it into the toddler bed. Well, Carter was in there with us, and he was so excited. He kept saying, "me, bed." Once we got his bedskirt back on and the mattress put down, Carter could not wait to get into his new big boy bed. We brought in a pillow and he was in awe.

About an hour later, we put Carter in his new bed for nap time. The big question being would he stay in there. I refused to go check, so he cried for a minute and then it was quiet. When he woke up, I went in and he was still in his bed! Hooray! We are very excited for him and can't believe our little man is no longer in a crib.


  1. Oh my god Linds, isn't it the saddest thing changing from the crib to the bed? Caden is still in his transition bed but we will be getting him a real one in a month or so. One thing I have found is that some days Caden likes to play in his room during nap time instead of sleep. So, we have a gate at his door so he can't come out. It has been a lifesaver having that on there. Good Luck and I hope the transition continues to go smoothly!

  2. yeah!! watching your kids grow up is the most exciting thing in the entire world! he's getting SO big!
