Monday, December 13, 2010

We're In!

Yesterday was moving day!

Let me begin with, I. HATE. MOVING!!!

If I never move again, I. WILL. BE. THRILLED!!!

However, moving into our new home was so exciting. I had visions of what I wanted our house to look like. I will not lie and say they all came through...don't ask about my living room. But it is close, and it will be so AMAZING for our Lil' Adams Family!!!

All and all, it was a huge success. We are mostly out of our duplex, and spent our first night in our home.

Carter spent the past week in Logan visiting Granny and Papa, and even some time with Aunt Tammy. I am not ashamed to admit I cannot pack a house, move, and take care of a two year old. It was just to much. However, what that time apart did do, was make Dustin and I incredibly anxious to go get him last night.

We had to make a quick trip to the old duplex and when Carter went in, everything was "where's Carter's...couch, bed, toys, etc." We continued to explain it was in the new house, and then we took him home.

When he first walked in he said, "Carter's TOYS!"

Then it was "Carter's COUCH!"

Up the stairs we went to his BRAND NEW ROOM! That thankfully to my mom and sister was completely set up. "Mom, look! Carter's bed. Carter's drawers. Carter's toys!" He was so excited. Then everything became, "Follow Me!" "Come down!" "Look!" It was so fun!!!

As we were on our way downstairs, I managed to fall down the stairs and roll my ankle. Thankfully not terribly, but enough that there is a dull ache today. But Carter witnessed me do this, now everytime I am going down the stairs, he says, "Careful...hold on!" LOL...great just what I need, my 2 year old telling me to be careful!

Anyway, Carter also came home to a Christmas tree setup, thanks again to Mom, S, Coli, and Lou.

We are a LONG way from being settled, but it is a HUGE step in the right direction, and we couldn't be more excited!

Thank you to the crowd that showed up to help: Nathan, Art, Mom, Gar, a couple moving guys, S and Bri. We couldn't have done it without you all!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are honest & not ashamed to admit anything! It makes reading your blog lots of fun knowing that I'm not the only one out there who isn't "perfect" (whatever THAT is anyway).

    Congrats on all your hard work & move! Sounds like Carter is adjusted already!
